Monday, March 9, 2009

So Here's What I Don't Get

Those of you who've known me more than a few years know that in middle school/beginning of high school, I was the chubby kid. Ever since junior year of high school I've been working to keep the weight I left off. Last semester, I put on some of that weight, taking me up to almost 200 lbs. Well everyone, I've stumbled into a bit of a conundrum. In the past 3 weeks, i've lost 8 lbs bringing me to 190. I was really happy about this, until I did a little math. According to the wonderful thing called the BMI index, mine is 29.8...30 is obese. DO I LOOK OBESE TO YOU STUPID CALCULATOR THINGY!?!?! I just don't understand it. I work out, I try my damnedest to eat healthy, but I'm obese. I wear a dress size 8, and I'm obese. I just don't get it. 

"fat bottomed girls you make the rockin world go round."
-Fat Bottomed Girls, Queen


  1. If you are working out, maybe you just have a lot of muscle. Muscle is more dense than fat, so it weighs more. You are probably perfectly healthy, but if you are really bothered by this, your doctor might have some suggestions or answers. Whatever you do, or don't do, I think you look lovely just the way you are. =)

  2. I agree with Katy, that was what I was thinking as I was reading this. I've always heard that fat weighs more. I honostly don't think you look obese at all. Don't feel bad, I struggle with weight, too.

  3. just let me know when you're heading to the gym and i'll go with you if at all possible. i need to get my weight back under control. i did so well last semester :(

  4. i agree with katy, the BMI is a general standard. if you aren't built like the average girl your age, then you won't have the same BMI as the average girl your age. and if you are all muscle then you are obviously going to weigh more than the twig who is your height but couldn't lift a cardboard box over her head. don't worry about it. as long as you eat healthy and exercise, you are fine. If you are really worried, see about getting a body composition test. see what your fat percentage is and check your cholesterol score.
