Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sara's Commandments

I need change. I need structure. I need you guys to help enforce these rules. I've let things go to far, and so here's my attempt to make things better.

I am not allowed to:

1)Call myself a derogatory term

2)Say I hate myself

3) Forget about the people who love me

4)Let the small things get to me

5)Let people make me feel bad about myself

6)Take blame for what isn't my fault

7)Lose control when I'm stressed

Hopefully these will get me on the right track. I need to be better to myself in case you can't tell. I'm hurting those closest to me when I'm not. 

"Anything to make you smile. You are the ever-living ghost of what once was. I never want to hear you say that you'd be better off, or you liked it that way"
- No One's Gonna Love You (More Than I Do), Band of Horses


  1. These are great goals Sara! I would like to propose an amendment though, because I feel like some of these will be hard to overcome. Every time you break one of these rules you also need to think about something positive about yourself, otherwise you will just end angry at yourself for not being able to follow these rules. Since I can't always eliminate the bad, I counter it with the good. You can definitely do this though! =)

  2. I agree with Katy. Sometimes, like on a diet for instance, if you limit yourself too much, you'll beat yourself up everytime you fail. Then you'll feel like you can't do it. Failure will happen and you will make mistakes. What you should do is turn that frown upside down and turn the negative commandments (will not, don't, no...etc) and use positve commandments like I will refer to myself positively, I will love who I am, I will surround myself with people who love me and remind myself why they love me. You get the picture. We all love you Sara. Just so you know. lol
